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Open Time: 8:00an-3:00pm

Weekend:Friday and Saturday


Book Tour

Health and Safety Policy



Our school is the working environment for many groups of individuals and plays host to many others. It is important, therefore, that a safe environment is established in which children and adults can work together with confidence. It is the responsibility of the senior management team and governing body to ensure this is the case.

In order to promote this we must all take responsibility for being vigilant and be aware of possible risks. Children and adults should be encouraged to keep themselves and one another safe and share any concerns they may have swiftly and appropriately.

We must also, however, be aware of the need to keep a balance between security and safety and the maintenance of a comfortable, welcoming learning environment. This policy aims to address and provide guidance on this balance, identifying individual and group responsibilities.






Informing people of this policy

New members of staff receive health and safety information as part of the induction policy.


Responsibilities of individual class teachers

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 requires governors and employees, according to their particular roles, to take the initiative on certain matters. The following list is a guide to the particular responsibilities that individuals have.

  1. Know the safety measures and arrangements to be adopted in their own working areas and ensure that they are applied
  2. Observe standards of dress consistent with safety and/ or hygiene
  3. Keep good standards of hygiene and cleanliness
  4. Know and apply the procedures in respect of emergencies
  5. Co-operate with other employees and the safety representative  in promoting  health and safety measures
  6. Report any hazard or breakage
  7. Follow health and safety instructions and use appropriate safety equipment and protective clothing
  8. Maintain safely tools and equipment
  9. Report any incidents, assaults or ‘near misses’
  10. Set a good example to the children in their care
  11. Supervise pupils and ensure that they know about emergency procedures and safety measures
  12. Ensure that pupils’ bags, coats and belongings are safely stowed away
  13. Include all relevant aspects of safety in the curriculum  according to the science and PHSE and C curriculum.
  14. Make parents/ volunteers aware of safety procedures in the classroom/ work area
  15. Give clear instruction and warning as often as necessary
  16. Ensure that relevant risk assessments are completed and followed
  17. Ensure that pupils are made aware of existing and new health and safety information.


Responsibilities of visitors 

Regular visitors and other users of the school will be required to observe the safety rules of the school.  The Head teacher will ensure that visitors are informed of health and safety matters which may affect them during their visit.

Parents helping out in school will be made aware of the health and safety arrangements by the teacher who they are working with. 


Staff should be vigilant for:

Pupils in years 5/6 are allowed to connect/ disconnect electrical equipment (under supervision),


Students in School

We accept students who are training to become teachers and teaching assistants. In order to make sure that their experience is beneficial it is important to:

- ensure an appropriate match between the student and the activity

- ensure appropriate supervision at all times

Teaching students are co-ordinated by the Assistant Head teacher. Their school based mentor and class teacher are responsible for ensuring their induction and mentoring them whilst on site. Teaching assistant students are co-ordinated by a qualified teaching assistant who ensures their induction. Day to day management lies with the teachers and teaching assistants in the placement year groups.


PE equipment

The PE equipment is inspected annually. The PE co-ordinator is responsible for overseeing this inspection and for keeping a regular check of whether equipment is fit for purpose. Any significant findings must be reported to the site manager.

The PE policy outlines procedures for safe use of equipment. Careful consideration should be given to the use of apparatus. Staff should be particularly alert to the use of equipment with children with behavioural needs or disabilities. It may be necessary for additional TA support to be given where there are concerns. Risk assessments are carried out for all areas used for P.E.


Responsibilities during fire drill

Head teacher/ deputy head teacher

Supervision of evacuation

Evaluation of procedures

Training and guidance

Administration  assistant/ member of office staff

Calling the fire brigade

Teachers (teaching assistant/ mid-day supervisor)

Roll call

Take absence books outside

Office staff


Checking visitors


Responsibilities for class teachers (or teaching assistant/ mid-day supervisor if class teacher not onsite)

During the first day of school all class teachers should explain to children what the procedure is should the fire bell sound. This should include information about:


Fire exit to be used – is the nearest available exit. Please also make note of alternative exits should this one be blocked.

Assembly point – is on the front playground standing in registration groups. Where children have been in sets or working in other groups, they should return to their registration group for roll call.

Action on discovering a fire – children inform someone immediately and should never try to put a fire out themselves.

Keeping gangways clear – children should be reminded about hanging coats and bags out of the way

Reporting – registers will be taken out on to the playground by office staff and handed over to class teachers. Once the register has been checked teachers should let the head teacher know that the class are all present. 

The same procedure will be used in the event of any other emergency where evacuation of the school building is needed. For further information see ‘Emergency procedure’ document. This also provides information about the notification of staff, parents and LA in the event of school closure.


Tests and checks


(site supervisor)

On arrival

Exits and routes to remain unobstructed

Exit doors unlocked

Main fire panel working

On leaving

Electrical equipment disconnected or switched off

Exit and windows adequately secured

All fire doors closed


(site manager)

Test fire alarm systems and record in caretaker’s log

Test one alarm each week on a rota


(site manager)

Check extinguishers are in the correct place

Check emergency lighting and record in log


(the headteacher)

Fire drill – on occasions to include the blocking of an exit, removal of a child and lunchtime evacuation Fire notices are contained in each room.

Six monthly

(statutory testing)

Check emergency lighting and record in log




Statutory testing

Test fire alarm system

Check door closers all in order

Annual inspection of fire extinguishers

 Check emergency lighting and record in log


Staff working alone in the building

If you are working alone in the building or in an isolated situation, take the following precautions:


Leaving an empty building